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What is self-advocacy? When you speak or act for yourself. You decide what is best for you. Take control of getting what you want.

What is Self-advocacy? RTC Media

Story Videos from Self-advocates - SABE

Click the star for groups you can call or join to be a better self-advocate.

A Guidebook on Self-Advocacy, by DDS Self-advocates

SARTAC, Self-advocacy Resources and Technical Assistance Center

Click on the video and fast-forward 11 minutes!

10 steps to be an effective self-advocate, DDS CT
What is self-determination? When you make informed decisions to control your own life. Knowing what you want and need to live a full life. Video by DDS CT
Supporting a Self-Determined Life!
Overview of Self-Directing Supports & Services, video by DDS CT
Self-advocacy Resource Center
Disability Rights Connecticut Resource Center
We Are People. Call Me By My Name.
DDS Advocates' Corner
SABE Self-advocates Becoming Empowered
Learn About Self-advocacy: Self-advocacy Online
Fighting for Fairness: It Starts with You!
ASAN Plain Language Edition
What is inclusion? Inclusion is when ALL people truly belong to a group. Inclusion is also having equal access to opportunities and resources for ALL people.
What is person-centered planning?
How can I help make things better for all people with disabilities?
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