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Finding Employment
A case manager from most agencies should be able to help you look for a job.
Family, friends and other people who support you can help you look for a job.
Knowing what you like and what you are good at can point you in the right direction.
If you receive DDS services and want to hire staff & create your own program, watch these videos about self-determination & self-direction.
State of CT DDS List of Providers
State of CT Vocational Services (BRS/DORS)
CAP Client Assistance Program for Voc Rehab with BRS or BESB
American Job Centers & Career One Stop
CT Dept of Labor and CT Hires
National Labor Exchange
O*NET Online
Office of Apprenticeship Training
Employment links from the DDS Advocate's Corner
There are also many online employment agencies such as Indeed, Monster, Care, Ziprecruiter, Careerbuilder and more. You can Google online employment agencies.
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