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Proud Parents - Leadership and Encouragement for ALL Parents


1. Name: Proud Parents - Leadership and Encouragement for ALL Parents.





Address: The Arc of CT, P.O. Box 1522, New Canaan, CT 06840-1522 or 

â„… Lu Freitas, 43 Trumbull Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062


2. Vision, mission and belief statements: Respect: Nothing About Us Without Us!

Vision, mission, beliefs are attached.


3. Members: A group of parents from all over CT and three parents out of state.

Some of us have had or have DCF involved with our families.

We want to help all parents so that parents with disabilities are not

discriminated against, so families could stay together, and so children

can grow up in loving homes.

Everyone who shares these experiences and agrees with the vision

and mission is welcome.


4. Meetings:


Online: Zoom, two times a month, Tuesdays at 6:00pm.


In person: Minimum two times a year for each side of CT (eastern and western).


Advocacy: Minimum of two times a year (online or in person).


Confidentiality: Personal business, stories or pictures that are shared in meetings are

not to be shared outside of meetings without written permission.


5. Roles:

Co-chairpersons Quiana Mayo and Jossie Torres

Vice-chair Sierra Scott

Secretary Rosa Rodriguez

Legislative Liaisons Deborah Bell and Sierra Scott

Facebook Administrator Aaron Newton

Parent Support Aaron Newton, Jessica Piccolo, Elenor Rogers,

Brenda Schultz

Parent Outreach Messengers Aaron Newton, Jessica Piccolo, Crystal Reardon

Parent Recruiter Jessica Piccolo

Resource Coordinator Crystal Reardon

Time Keeper Christina Norwood and Benjamin Carmichael

Sensory Coordinator Sierra Scott


6. Advisors: Currently Mary Lou Freitas. Co-advisor Linda Rammler as available.


7. Fiscal Agent: Arc of CT, P.O. Box 1522, New Canaan, CT 06840-1522

Attention: Win Evarts,, 203-984-7543


8. Voting: Majority rules and voting takes place as follows:


An idea, request, or change is called a motion. The motion is discussed by everyone.


The first member who agrees with the motion says, “I move to _______.”


Another member who agrees says, “I second the motion.”


The first member says, “All in favor say yes or raise your hand.”


The first member says, “All who disagree say no or raise your hand.”

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