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It is nice to have fun and do things you enjoy. It is nice to spend time together with your family.
It is also good for your mental health to take care of yourself and to relax sometimes.
Here are some ideas for recreation that are free or not too much money.
CT Public Libraries
Recreation & Leisure
CT Network of Care
Parent/Child Activity Groups
CT Network of Care
Volunteer Opportunities
CT Network of Care
Town Parks and Recreation
Historical Parks & Museums
CT State Parks
CT Beaches
Camp Harkness
Best Buddies
DDS Advocates' Corner
Recreation & Respite
Park ConneCT
Some free buses to beaches
Special Olympics CT
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Rick Steeves Travel Channel - You Tube
CT EBT Card Discounts & Perks (museums, Amazon and more)
TASH Coffee Hour every Friday 3:00 on zoom
TASH sign up or email
Free Bikes for Kids!
Dave 860-395-7321
These are a few other ideas that you could check out near your home:
*events at churches and other faith communities
*events at high schools and colleges
*classes at hospitals, Adult Education or community centers
*sports at local schools or towns such as soccer or Little League baseball
*YMCAs and YWCAs
*bike & walking trails
*fairs & farmer's markets
*Google lists of hobbies
The Proud Parents are putting together a list of family movies like "Wonder" and adult shows like "Maid" so email us if you have a great movie suggestion.
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